You are required by law to register your car with your state and to maintain an active auto insurance policy to avoid suspension of your registration. If you are in an auto accident and it is your fault the insurance company pays up to the limits of your policy for medical bills and damage done to the car you hit. The policy will also pay to repair or replace your car when you have physical damage protection coverage. Your policy, when the protection is purchased, can protect you from other drivers who do not have insurance or not enough insurance and you have injured occupants in your car and/or damage to your car.
You are on your own with roommates. No longer at home with Mom and Dad. It protects your personal property from fire and theft. Your landlord or property manager does not cover your personal property in these events. Plus it can give you a nice discount on your auto insurance.
If you own a Condo, do not fall into the trap that a Master HOA policy covers or protects the “inside” of your unit. You must purchase a unit owner’s policy from an insurance agent that provides Florida Personal Insurancce to protect your personal property from fire, water loss or theft. This policy also provides liability coverage in case someone is injured in your unit. A major coverage to add to this type of policy is “dwelling coverage” which is sometimes known as “walls in” coverage. This is what protects you, for instance, if a kitchen fire damages your counter, cabinets, flooring and fixtures. If you own a condo and rent it to someone else you need a Rental Condo Unit Owners policy for basically the same reasons.
Always required when you have a loan from a bank or other financial institution. Your homeowners insurance policy is what will pay to repair or replace your home due to losses from fire and water damage. This policy also protects you from theft of personal property. This policy does not cover flood or earthquake risk and those polices are purchased separately.
This is “excess liability” you may purchase which provides additional liability over and above the liability limits on your residence and auto insurance policies. You must maintain certain levels of liability coverage on the residence and auto policies to qualify for an umbrella policy. Rental properties may also be protected under an umbrella policy as long as the liability on the rental property policy also meets certain guidelines. A personal liability umbrella is an inexpensive way to purchase excess liability protection. Your driving record and age are important factors in the overall cost of an umbrella. Talk to us today about Florida Personal Insurance coverage.
Flood Insurance is protection from the potential catastrophic exposure many insured’s are faced with in Florida. If your property is located within a “Flood Zone” as determined by FEMA then you are required to have flood coverage by your mortgage company, if you have a loan on the property. If you do not have a loan on the property it is still a good decision to have coverage. There are only a very few areas in Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach counties that are outside a flood zone.
In Florida it is highly recommended that all homeowners have coverage. Quick storms can drop a lot of water in a short time and create flooding conditions. Hurricanes can create flooding situations very quickly and your windstorm (Hurricane) coverage does not cover loss from rising waters.
Your standard homeowners or condo policy does not cover flooding. Flood policies are separate policies provided by the National Government through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Private insurance companies also provide the coverage through a “Write Your Own” program which is backed 100% by the NFIP.